
Building a World-Class Pool in Cabramatta

November 15, 2023

Health, fitness and living the Australian dream. The triple treat. The triple cream. The triple … OK sorry, enough now.

Whatever way you put it, that’s what Michael Veng’s stunning Blue Haven pool has delivered as he builds his dream home in Southwest Sydney.

“It fits my fitness purposes,” Michael says. “Every morning I come here and do a little bit of cardio, swimming laps.”

“This pool helps me with living a luxury lifestyle and the view, the aesthetic, it helps me with living the Australian dream.”

The pool is the centrepiece of the stunning home Michael is building, and he has grand plans for it for the future. He envisions splashing around in the pool with his future family and children, and inviting friends over for parties and barbecues. *We’ll take one hamburger and a sausage with onion please!*

“I’m looking at the long-term view,” Michael says. “Two or three years down the road I might get married to my girlfriend and after, that we might have kids and we’ll all enjoy the pool here.”

“On the weekend, this is what I imagine, I’m going to invite some friends here, have a barbecue and then enjoy the pool together, put some music on.”

*Cue Michael’s partner looking up engagement rings*

Despite the home still being under construction, Blue Haven has completed the pool – and Michael is making good use of it. It plays a key role in his downtime, providing him with the ability to relax and enjoy the sense of calm pools bring, while pondering big business decisions. If you’ve ever pondered creating such a space in your own backyard, here’s how to know if your backyard is actually suitable.

“The pool has really improved my lifestyle a lot,” Michael says. “It gives me a better quality of life. I get to relax, get to unwind, because I am a real estate investor, sometimes I need to sit and relax and think (about) my decision before I execute.”

It’s also had a potentially lifesaving impact.

“At the moment, the pool helps me swim because I didn’t know how to swim before,” Michael says. “Now, I know how to float, swim and I get this privacy that I can enjoy and learn at my own pace.”

Basically, Michael gets all the benefits and none of the stress. Ooooo yes!

Blue Haven in Cabramatta

“Blue Haven is one of the best pool builders in the area,” he says. “When I engaged the sales team they explained the whole process, then I signed the contract on the spot because I had that much confidence in the company.”

“The construction team came to the site to have a look and they explained how it works and advised me to raise the pool a bit to make it look more elegant.

“The design team brought me to the pool shop to show me what I needed to make the pool look good, they helped me choose the mosaic, the stone and they even helped me draw a little bit on the iPad so I could imagine how my pool looks, the aesthetic to the building.

“After that, maintenance came to the site to help explain how it works, how to clean and how to maintain the pool. They have a very organised process. Awesome.”

For others out there looking to transform holiday bills into backyard thrills, how we helped this family of six transform holiday bills into backyard thrills provides an inspiring journey.

Dive Into Your Dream Today!

At Blue Haven, we pride ourselves on guiding our customers through each phase of the pool-building journey. From conception to the first splash, our goal is to ensure you’re enlightened and confident in your choice. Ready to make waves in your own aquatic paradise? Dive in today!

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