
The home upgrade that will save you money every school holidays

March 10, 2022

Aussies love beaches, pools, sunshine and resorts. It’s what we look for in a holiday destination. But we’ve got a destination that will save you thousands of dollars – and you won’t need to board a plane to get there.

Remember that episode of The Simpsons when Homer and Marge buy a pool? Everyone in Springfield descends on the Simpsons’ place to spend all day and night in and beside the pool.

That’s because pools are the place everyone wants to be, especially in the warmer months. They bring people together – it’s basically an unwritten inclusion with your package.

Whether they are surrounded by a stunning view, have a water feature, gorgeous landscaping and plants or your humble alfresco and BBQ … as Aussies, we’re drawn to pools.

Think about it. When you book a holiday, what do you usually look for? Beaches. Pools. Sunshine. Luxury. Let’s be honest, we love nothing more than jumping on a plane in search of those things. It’s what we do.

From the luxury of villas in Bali, to picturesque beaches and snorkelling in Fiji, to lying poolside in stunning resorts in Thailand, it’s no surprise these are among the top holiday destinations for Aussies. And did we mention sunny Queensland?

These holidays are fantastic but they can cost a lot of money. *Sigh*

So we’re going to let you in on a life hack that saves many happy Blue Haven customers thousands of dollars every school holidays, and you won’t have to board a plane or book any accommodation.

Say whaaaaaat?!

Building a pool will provide you and your family with a resort holiday right in your own home. And to access it, all you need to do is step into your backyard. Yes, please!

Holidays are all about unwinding, taking time to relax and spending time with family and friends, and that’s exactly what pools bring to homes all around the world. They’re the centrepiece, a destination for family and friends to gather and make memories to last a lifetime. (Not to mention the increase in the value of your property…)

Is there anything better than a barbecue, cocktails or just hanging out by the pool? While increasing the value of your home? The answer is no … well, there might be, but we definitely can’t print that here, oops!

Many families even pitch tents beside their pool for a camping experience, install speakers for dancing and parties, or get a home projector and some awesome pool floats to create an outdoor cinema. There’s no limit to what you can do.

But it’s not just about the pool. What you surround your pool with also creates that holiday vibe, including your choice of landscaping, water features, greenery and furniture.

This transforms your backyard into a luxurious space that your family will love so much… those expensive resort holidays will be a thing of the past!

Water features, like cascading waterfalls that flow into the pool, have become popular as more people make their home their sanctuary (especially when events restrict us from travelling), because they provide the look, feel and sound of a luxury resort in your own backyard.

Other popular features include underwater lighting that can flash and change colour, and jets that move the water, creating a party atmosphere.

Pools and spas also have a calming effect on your home environment – there’s just something about looking out into the backyard or sitting by a pool that makes life’s troubles melt away.

That’s one of the benefits that often gets overlooked when it comes to the pros and cons of building a pool or spa at home.

So why not bring your dream holiday to your home or change the energy of your backyard? It might just save you thousands every school holiday.

If you’re curious about how a pool would look in your backyard, Blue Haven has an augmented reality (AR) app so you can view your pool in your backyard! Check it out here.

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