
What’s hot in swimming pools this summer?

March 11, 2016


  1. Integrated living and entertaining
    While the backyard swimming pool once was an afterthought placed wherever there was room left over after the home was built, now it takes centre stage. Now the focal point of a home, the new swimming pool designs for the 2015-2016 summer season place a strong emphasis on integrated living. As well as integrating the outdoor entertaining areas with the indoor living areas, so too is the swimming pool area integrated.
  2. Automated swimming pools
    While a backyard swimming pool has always been considered a desirable, luxury item, some homeowners classed it in the high maintenance category. Well thanks to technological advances, high maintenance swimming pools are set to be a thing of the past. Automated swimming pool advancement means that swimming pool owners barely have to lift a finger. The latest trend is to have the swimming pool control system connected to home automation where they can operate everything from their tablet or smart phone. The automated system then controls the pumps, vacuum, lights, water jets, water features and surrounding pool lights. Automation can easily be installed on existing swimming pool equipment. And while no swimming pool system can ever be maintenance free, automation can certainly make looking after a pool that little much easier.
  3. Mineral swimming pools
    Mineral swimming pools are gaining popularity as more and more homeowners realise the health and environmental benefits. Swimmers no longer have to suffer stinging eyes caused by harsh chemicals or chlorine, mineral swimming pools provide for a softer, safer, cleaner swim. Mineral water swimming pools are proven to be gentler and more cost effective with superior water and energy savings. Owners who have made the switch from a salt or chlorine swimming pool to a mineral swimming pool have reported up to 80 per cent in savings off ongoing running costs.

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