
It’s Time to Plan A Pool For Summer

October 16, 2016


While the cold weather has well and truly made itself felt, it may seem like a crazy time to start thinking about your summer swimming. Ask any pool contractor in town and they’ll agree, the best time to plan your pool is now!

With the countdown to the hot weather and family Christmas gatherings starting in a few months, the waiting time for getting your pool in and ready for swimming is getting longer by the week. Blue Haven Pools Managing Director Remonda Martinez says now is the right time to start planning a pool for summer, as the number of people who wait until the warmer weather before planning a pool gets greater every year.

“Unfortunately, a lot of people wait until towards the end of the year before they decide to take the plunge with a pool. This means our contractors are really busy with everyone wanting their pool finished by Christmas,” she says.

“The savvy people plan their pools now. They get everything ready to go and by Christmas, they are well and truly ready to swim.” While logistically there really isn’t a wrong time to plan a pool, getting things organised in the off-peak season really does have a lot of advantages.

Allowing yourself extra planning time, especially if the pool is forming part of a larger home renovation, may mean the difference between planning and replanning, measuring and remeasuring and changing your mind due to the constraints of time pressure.

“Taking extra time to plan your pool and ensure it’s a seamless addition of your larger renovation, may also mean less pressure on your budget as with every change you make once the construction has started will likely result in penalties,” Ms Martinez says. “Choosing the right pool consultant will help you design and plan your pool to suit your needs, and by doing this in the cooler months, it will ensure the process is smooth and stress free, allowing you to dive-in come Christmas.”

For more information about Blue Haven pools, or for a free quote call 13 20 25 or visit www.bluehaven.com.au

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