
360 Degree Knife-edged Swimming Pools: All You Need To Know

March 13, 2017

The Swimming Pool Trend You Should Know About

Infinity edged swimming pools created quite a splash when they first emerged on the market.

The swimming pool style was the ultimate in luxury, and is still often selected for their ability to showcase a stellar view.

The 360-degree knife edged swimming pool is proving to be an as popular a trend, for its ability to create an alluring mirror edged effect.

What is the 360 degree knife-edged pool?

Also known as “Lautner” pools after Los Angeles architect John Lautner who first adopted the concept, this type of swimming pool has water that sits at the same level as the pool deck to create a mirror-surface effect. Other names the swimming pool goes by are slot-edge pools, wet edge pools and perimeter pools. Similar in look to infinity pools swimming pool design is increasingly growing in popularity.

Why is this design special?

The elegant effect is created by a perimeter overflow where water flows into a hidden slot or basin where it is then recycled back into the swimming pool water, similar to infinity edged systems but on all sides of the pool.

When the surface of the pool is flush with the deck, it creates a highly reflective surface and a sleek contemporary look. The water appears motionless as it flows over all the edges simultaneously. The design is often paired with dark interior colours to produce a mirror like effect. 

Does it come at an additional cost?

Their elegant effect does however come at a price – often adding more than $10,000 to the final cost of a swimming pool.

The design requires extra engineering and design input to ensure the water that overflows is caught in a gutter and then returned to the pool via the filtration pump and connecting pipework. Extra steel is required in the pool wall and the thickness of the concrete wall is needed to be increased to ensure strength and durability.

Call Blue Haven today on 13 20 25 for an obligation free quote to see if a knife edged swimming pool is the right choice for you.

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