Welcome To Blue Haven Pools

After Sales Care

Loss of Warranty Benefits

The customer loses the benefit of the warranties if:

Contact Form

Please fill out the form below. One of our team member will get back to you shortly.

Service: Filtration

Service: Tiles

*Download FACT SHEET 18 and 20.

  • The Builder reserves the right to not undertake installation of tiles on mesh backing, heavy stone or thick tile for vertical wall application.
  • Glue, grout and tile material to be provided by the nominated party in the contract
  • Sealing and maintenance of the materials purchased by the Customer regardless of nominated party in the contract
  • Deterioration to silicon & grout joints installed by the Builder must be maintained by the Customer at all times including the responsibility to re-apply grout and silicon in event of shrinkage, pin holes, discoloration
  • Chips, damages, cracks, colour or texture variance noticed on tiles prior to laying, during laying or after laying are not deemed as reason to remove and relay

Service: Interior Lining

*Download Stain Removal guide
*Download Black Spot guide
*Download Calcium
*Download FACT SHEET 15 and 21

Prior to interior lining application of any type of interior lining (ie. pebble or glass beads), ensure that all surrounds are sealed to avoid loose soils, dirt, vegetation or mud to enter the fresh lined pool or body of water. It is recommended that all surrounds be clean prior to lining the pool to avoid brown spots and staining containments.

It is the Customers obligation to inspect the pool shell at time of handover and earmark any surface staining. If no staining is reported it is assumed there is none present and the surface will remain under the responsibility of the Customer

The customer loses the benefit of the warranties if:

  1. Staining is caused by a failure to correctly maintain the pool, including maintains the correct chemical balance
  2. Or water used to fill the pool from hose or tanker causes staining
  3. Failure to diligently remove stagnant water, rainwater, rubble, metal, leaf tannins, rubble, vegetation and external matter or runoff during the construction period prior to handover
  4. After Handover, failure to scrub pool walls with regular brushing to prevent calcium build up or diligence to follow material manufacturers care recommendations

Service: Leak

*Download Leak Letter

*If outside of 12 months warranty terms please book with a leak detection contractor. We only offer under warranty inspections.

Contact Details

Service: Filtration

Service: Tiles

Service: Interior Lining


Water Balance: Fact Sheet 15

How To Clean Tiles: Fact Sheet 18

Laying Concrete Around Existing Pool: Fact Sheet 20

Pool Care Warranty Manuals: Fact Sheet 21

Stain Removal Guide

Black Spot Guide

Please Note

Equipment manufacturers for lights, pumps, heaters, filters, cleaners, and the Astral Gas Heater re-call are heavily backlogged with most repair forecasts extending to 2023.

These repairs and replacements are experiencing heavy delays due to technical shortages, component supply issues, and local and international logistics delays.

Blue Haven Pools will log the service request to the manufacturer within 5 business days.

We thank you for your patience during this time.