
How to Make Your Swimming Pool More Energy Efficient

March 31, 2015

We all know how important conserving energy is and most families these days are conscious of their environmental footprint and keeping energy consumption to a minimum.

But this can be easier said than done for pool owners. While there are many benefits to having a backyard swimming pool, they are one of the largest energy and water guzzlers in the home.

For a typical household, maintaining an in-ground pool can account for up to 30 per cent of a household’s energy bills and a pool pump can be the largest user of electricity in a home—sometimes using more energy than your washing machine, clothes dryer and dishwasher combined.

Recent research from Energy Matters revealed that a typical backyard swimming pool using a 1.5kW pool pump can add up to 17 per cent to an electricity bill.

And while there’s no ‘one–size–fits–all’ approach to creating a water and energy efficient swimming pool or spa as the local climate often has a big role to play there are certain steps that pool owners can take to ensure their swimming pool is more energy efficient and water wise.

  • Equip your pool or spa with the most energy efficient pump, filtration and cleaning system. It’s important to balance out the long–term running cost of cheaper, inefficient technologies.
  • Lighting a swimming pool is a great way to keep it safe at night, but be careful about over lighting your pool area as this adds to your electricity bill. Choose energy efficient lighting options.
  • If you’re building from scratch, position the pool to minimise evaporation and save on heating costs.
  • Install water saving products such as rainwater tanks to top up the pool without using mains water.
  • Install a pool cover to save water, energy and maintenance efforts.
  • Reduce energy costs of swimming pool pumps by installing a smart meter and switch to time–based pricing. You may be able to slash pool electricity bills by up to $4791 a year.

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