
Blue Haven participating in St Vinnies CEO Sleepout

June 11, 2015

The Vinnies CEO Sleep out is happening again this year. https://www.ceosleepout.org.au/

Remonda our Blue Haven CEO is participating in this important event. In its 10th year, the program has a target of $10M to fundraise for this program. However, the main reason for involving the CEOs of some of the largest or most influential companies in Australia is to raise awareness of the 100,000 homeless in Australia.

We need to celebrate the achievements of the program in the short time it has been in operation. Further information about the program is on the website and more especially very interesting facts on who the programs can help Vinnies CEO Sleepout. We all need to participate in trying to find and solve the causes of homelessness in our society.

Remonda Martinez our CEO is always up for a challenge and she is hoping to assist with fundraising and other input. Please help us support this worthy project. To donate under Remonda’s name go to Vinnies CEO Sleepout website and follow the prompts.

BlueHaven has undergone a transformation under the guidance of Remonda as CEO buying out the original franchisees and implementing Quality Control procedures across the whole range of Blue Haven construction products including Concrete Pools to Fibreglass and other lifestyle pool products.

The Sleepout program has grown over the years to be diverse geographically as well as differentiating into other programs such as Community Sleepout as well as School Sleepout.

The funds raised from the CEO sleepout and associated programs are already helping:

Support of vocational education and employment programs delivered through the Ozanam Learning Centre, which includes living skills classes and creative activities including art, pottery, writing and music.

Fund the planned rollout of the successful Ozanam Learning Centre model to a regional centre in NSW.

Fund food and accommodation services for people experiencing homelessness.

Provision of crisis and affordable medium-term accommodation to support individuals and families achieve sustainability in their lives

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