
Blue Haven Can Connect You

May 26, 2018

What’s your stand on the internet of things? If you’re a gadget lover that swears by your electric toothbrush, you’re probably giddy over the concept of connecting all your devices and electronics to the net. If you’re more on the Luddite side, you may be concerned about the robot apocalypse, or being attacked by your sentient broom and microwave.

Whichever side of the fence you’re on, this phenomenon has now swung over into swimming pools, aquariums, and spas, and yes, there’s an app for that. The technology isn’t intended to turn your pool against you like some weird horror movie. Its primary function is to make it easier and more affordable to maintain your pool.

At the moment, what’s your pool maintenance schedule? Maybe you have a pool guy come in once a week, or maybe pool duty belongs to the teens in the house. Some particularly meticulous pool owners have their water tested every three days, taking samples to the pool shop for verification. At the other extreme, some homes let their empty pools turn green.

Remote pool maintenance

Basic pool maintenance isn’t difficult. Skim off the leaves once a day. On the third day, test the chemical levels. Run the pump 4 to 8 hours every day, depending on how much you swim, and turn off the pool lights at night. Once a week, brush or vacuum the walls and floors, and empty the skimmer basket. Twice a year, clean the filter professionally.

The internet of pools can’t do any of these tasks for you. They all require human involvement. However, you can use an app to monitor the status of the pool, so that you know how often it needs attention. The app can check chemical levels, filter function, water temperature (especially for heated pools), and water levels, in case it needs refilling.

The app can also check your pool-scaping matters, like pool lights, sprinkler systems, air conditioning, and poolside equipment. For your pool-care app to work, you need a stable home WiFi connection. The app itself is called Connect My Pool. The stats from the app can be accessed by pool owners and the swimming pool builder.

Hassle-free pool care

As an owner, it saves you the hassle of worrying about your pool or checking its pH every few days since you can do this at a glance just by looking at your app. Your pool builder can keep an eye on the pool from their office and alert you when serious attention is required, the kind of technical issue you may be unable to spot on your own.

When you buy a pool or home spa from Blue Haven, whether you install it on your own or use our installation services, we’ll give you access to Connect My Pool and connect it to our systems so that we can monitor your installation for serious issues. Let us know about your home internet situation, and we’ll see about getting you connected.

For internet tools that maximise the maintenance of your swimming pool, call Blue Haven today on 13 20 25.

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